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    The Western Region office of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has attended a one day jobs and training fair themed "Boosting Green Employment and Enterprise Opportunities in Ghana (GrEEn) Project" organized by SNV Netherlands Development Organization and the United Nation Capital Fund (UNCDF) in partnership with the Government of Ghana represented by Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. The event took place in Agona Nkwanta, Western Region on the 3rd of November, 2020.

    The event saw participants from Food and Drug Authority (FDA), Ghana Standard Authority, the Registrar Department, resource persons in the sectors (WASH, Agriculture and Renewable Energy) and the media.
    A team of FDA representatives namely; Mr Francis Edem Odum, Mr Boni Solomon A. Kwabena and Ms. Priscilla Amankwah Serwaa were amongst the facilitators who interacted with clients and prospective clients, educating them on the requirements for products registeration.

    Mr. Francis Edem Odum, a Senior Regulatory Officer of the FDA narrated that the job fair is in line with the vision of the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs), which are the blueprint to achieve a better and sustainable food safety future for all clients and consumers.

    He added, the "SNV Green Job Fair" is timely with the FDA's "Watch Campaign" public education, since some participants will enter into the production of FDA regulated products. Hence the program was used to educate the participants and the general public on guidelines for products registration with the Authority.
    Mr. Odum further reminded the participants at the fair of the compasses of "Watch Campaign" of which are whom, where and what to look out for when buying and selling food and other regulated products before, during and after the festive season.

    He noted that the regional office is on course with its Post Market Surveillance (PMS) to salvage unregistered, counterfeit, expired and unwholesome products and other non-compliant FDA regulated products on the Ghanaian market.

    Also, the Information Officer, Mr. Boni Solomon A.Kwabena of the Western Regional office of the FDA tells how important this training is and how much it has helped the Authority's activity in its public education concerning client's requirements and guidelines for products registration. "The FDA is focused on assisting the local manufactures to put out quality products that are fit for both the local and the international market".

    He further impetrates the public to exercise their civil right by reporting any suspected unregistered, fake, expired and unwholesome food, medicine and other FDA regulated products on the market to the Authority either in person, by a phone call or any other viable means. The participants were also educated on how to download and install the Med Safety Mobile App on their mobile phones for reporting Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR). The officers also used the opportunity to distribute some flyers of the Authority on food safety and Med Safety to the participants.

    The objectives of the GrEEn (job fair) project are; to create a platform for job seekers to be matched with job openings and internship opportunities, expose participants to career pathway opportunities within the green and circular economy, especially in the WASH, Agriculture and Renewable Energy sectors, raise awareness on the green and circular economy, as well as contribute to market access and linkages through the exhibition of green solutions and innovations, inspire young people to seek and explore green job opportunities and solutions, and to create and strengthen a local enabling environment that supports youth (self-)employment and growth of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs).

    The FDA team and booth had several visitors; some of whom were educated on specific food products registration guidelines upon making enquiries while the others were generally educated of the FDA's activities.


    The FDA exist to ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of human and veterinary drugs, food, biological products, cosmetics, medical devices, household chemical substances and clinical trials, and the control of tobacco products through the enforcement of relevant standards to protect public health.

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