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    The Corporate Services Division plays a pivotal role in the seamless functioning of an organization, ensuring the overall well-being of its workforce, efficient administrative operations, and legal compliance. The division is structured into three key directorates, each contributing to different aspects of corporate governance and organizational effectiveness.

    1. Human Resources Directorate:

    •Talent Recruitment and Development Department: Responsible for attracting, selecting, and onboarding skilled individuals to the Authority. Additionally, it focuses on the continuous development and training of employees to enhance their skills and capabilities.

    •Staff Welfare Department: Dedicated to fostering a positive work environment by addressing employee needs, managing benefits, and promoting employee well-being, ultimately contributing to high morale and productivity.

    2. Administration Directorate:

    • Administration Department: Manages day-to-day administrative tasks, facility management, and logistical support to ensure a smooth and efficient working environment for all staff members.

    • Supply Chain Department: Responsible for the procurement and management of resources, ensuring the availability of necessary materials and services required for the FDA's operations.

    3. Legal and Corporate Affairs Directorate:

    • Information Management and Technology Solution Department: Focuses on leveraging technology to streamline information management processes, enhance data security, and optimize the FDA's technological infrastructure.

    • Legal Department: Ensures legal compliance and provides guidance on legal matters, contracts, and agreements, reducing the FDA's exposure to legal risks.

    • Communication and Public Education Department: Manages internal and external communication, public relations, and educational initiatives to enhance the FDA's image and maintain transparent and effective communication with stakeholders.

    These directorates work collaboratively to create a holistic corporate services framework that aligns with the FDA's strategic goals, promotes a positive workplace culture, and ensures legal and ethical standards are upheld. Through their combined efforts, the Corporate Services Division contributes significantly to the Authority's success and sustainability.


    The FDA exist to ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of human and veterinary drugs, food, biological products, cosmetics, medical devices, household chemical substances and clinical trials, and the control of tobacco products through the enforcement of relevant standards to protect public health.

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