With effect from Monday, 31st July 2023 the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) would commence the enforcement of the ProPer Platform Level 2 following the expiration of the deadline for registration of clients on the ProPer Platform in our correspondence with reference number FDA/BDIP/ PAT/NPT/23/0006.
Importers are required to upload a copy of the 10-digit alphanumeric Level 2 code as part of their supporting documents for permit application on the ICUMS. "FDA reserves the right not to issue permits for applications that are not covered by the level 2 code".
NOTE: This code is generated on the ProPer Platform after the batch details of the consignment being imported are uploaded onto the ICUMS system byIMPORTERS REGISTERED on the ProPer Platform.
Market authorisation holders, manufacturers, importers and exporters who are currently not registered on the ProPer Platform are urged to do so immediately using the link https://bit.ly/ProPerRegister_.
All enquiries regarding registration on the platform and related issues should be directed to Ms. Evelyn Mawuko Ohene at businesspartnerships@fda.gov.gh (0208544495) and copy the technical team at seals@propers.org, tony@propers.org (0247626515) and dennis@propers.org (0240027729).
Chief Executive Officer
Food and Drugs Authority
The FDA exist to ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of human and veterinary drugs, food, biological products, cosmetics, medical devices, household chemical substances and clinical trials, and the control of tobacco products through the enforcement of relevant standards to protect public health.