Genetically Modified Crop

What is Gene?

A gene is the basic unit of inheritance. It carries hereditary information passed from parents to their
offspring. A gene or a group of genes account for the expression of traits we see such as height, colour of
skin and hair, and traits we don’t see such as the complex biochemical processes in our body.

Genetic engineering/modification is the process by which an organism’s genetic material is altered in a
manner that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination to obtain desired

It is the application of scientific tools and techniques, including genetic engineering, to modify
living organisms in order to address problems in all areas of agricultural production and
processing. Agricultural Biotechnology can be used to improve pest and insect resistance, disease
control, abiotic stresses like salt and drought tolerance, and enhance nutritional content of crops.

When a crop such as soybean, maize or canola is genetically engineered to express a desired trait such as
insect resistance or increased protein content, it is referred to as a genetically engineered soybean, maize
or canola. A crop can be engineered to express multiple desired traits in a scenario referred to as stacked

Globally four (4) major GM crops are commercialized; these are soybean, cotton, maize and canola. Others
include alfalfa, papaya, plum, potato, squash, sugar beet, tomato and wheat

The most common traits of GM crops are herbicide tolerance and insect resistance. Others include drought
tolerance, salt tolerance, and enhanced nutrient content (vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein)
as well as reducing anti-nutrients.

Nutritional assessments for GM foods evaluated by several National Competent Authorities globally have
shown that these foods are as nutritious as their conventional variety counterparts. When such
differences are biological significant the product is likely not to be approved.

Food and Agriculture Organization: “The use of these techniques (modern biotechnology) does not result
in food which is inherently less safe than that produced by conventional ones”
World Health Organization: “GM foods currently available on the international market have passed safety
assessments and are not likely to present risks for human health. In addition, no effects on human health
have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries
where they have been approved”
European Commission: “Extensive research on GMOs, co-funded by the European Commission over the
last two decades, has significantly contributed to being able to identify and characterize possible risks
associated with foods/feed derived from GMOs. These activities provide at least equal assurance of the
safety of these foods compared to conventional counterparts, provided these GM products have been
approved by the EU and the national food safety evaluation procedures.”

GM crops that are used as food sources are assessed for toxicity and allergenicity in accordance with
internationally accepted risk assessment end points, thus products that are approved are not toxic or

There are currently no documented long term health effects resulting from the consumption of GM foods.
There are however, several publications that have associated certain adverse health effects to
consumption of foods derived from GM foods, the most publicized being the Seralini publication. His
findings were reviewed by several national competent authorities in France, Belgium, Germany, Australia,
New Zealand, and Canada among others. In all instances they noted the results were inconclusive. Thus
the claim of long term use causing cancer is not valid.

In Ghana, the Biosafety Act, 2011, Act 831, regulates biotechnology and provide for related matters. Per
this Act, the commencement of all activities relating to GMOs will require prior approval by the National
Competent Authority, the National Biosafety Authority (NBA). The NBA has responsibility for handling
requests for approval for the following:
1. Application for contained or confined use
2. Application to import or place on the market
3. Application to export
4. Genetically modified organisms in transit
The NBA works together with several regulatory agencies that have expertise relevant to the regulation
of biotechnology and its related matters. These agencies include: Food and Drugs Authority,
Environmental Protection Agency, Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate, Customs and
Excise Division, Veterinary Services Directorate, and the Local Assemblies.
The NBA constitutes a Technical Advisory Committee with the prime responsibility of evaluating
applications received and giving recommendations to the NBA governing board that takes a final decision
on the application.

GM crops that are used as food sources are rigorously assessed for its safety for use as food or feed. It is
only following successful attainment of internationally accepted assessment end points for toxicity,
allergenicity and nutrition, that a GM crop is approved for import, placement on the market and export.
Safety assessment is considered on a case by case basis.
This assessment is undertaken in accordance with internationally established scientific principles and
guidelines developed through the work of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO)
and the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Considering the impracticability of achieving absolute safety,
the safety assessment process aims to establish equivalence of GM food to its conventional counterpart
whose benefits and risks are well known and acceptable.
Safety assessment considers the following:
i. Intended and unintended effects of the genetic modification and how it impacts the health and
safety of the populace.
ii. Comparison with conventional foods with an acceptable history of safe use for similarities and
differences and any potential impact on safety and health of consumers

  1. The FDA is the regulatory institution with the primary responsibility of assuring safety of food in Ghana.
    As a result, within the National Biosafety Framework, the FDA is assigned specific roles relating to its core
    expertise in food safety. The FDA has an expert on the Technical Advisory Committee and a member on
    the Board of the NBA (as per the Biosafety Act, 2011 (Act 831)).
    The FDA’s inspections at the ports of entry, warehouses and market surveillance can facilitate the
    detection of products derived from GM crops used for food, feed and processing that have not been
    subjected to the regulatory approval process.
  1. Literature reviews are a standard scientific method of evaluation used by regulators around the world, to
    evaluate the safety of a variety of products including food, drugs and agricultural and veterinary chemicals.
    The methods and approach used are not only consistent with international guidelines developed
    according to scientific advice provided by the WHO, FAO, and OECD, but also reflect the methodology that
    has been used to regulate food and medicines in contemporary times.
    Companies involved in the development of GM foods spend millions of dollars rigorously testing their
    products according to these requirements, which include detailed documentation of testing. Thorough
    evaluation of the data quality and protocols used is carried out to ensure the validity of results. When the
    regulator determines that the data submitted is insufficient, additional information and testing may be
    required. The regulator may also supplement the information provided by the Applicant with any
    published data locally or internationally that is relevant to the product in question