- HR and Legal Committee
It comprises eight (8) members, five (5) board members, three (3) external members.
- Review for approval compensation policy, benefit and Incentive plans and talent management and retirement Programmes.
- Review strategic HR resource decisions and succession plans for key management positions.
- Control legal systems that assure safe and effective food and drugs of good quality and for the intended use reach the consume.
- Oversee and evaluate, review, and make recommendations on such matters as are delegated to it for approval by the Board
- Drugs Committee
It comprises seven (7) members, five (5) board members and two (2) external members with varied expertise.
- To advise the Authority on drug related issues
- To advise on the enforcement of legislative requirement
- To advise on regulation on internet marketing (sales, supply)
- To support research and innovation in regulation.
- To advise on the regulation of clinical trials
- To advise on measures for legal use and control of substance abuse
- Finance Committee
It comprises five (5) members, two (2) board members, two (2) external members including the Director of Finance
- To advise the Authority on drug related issues
- To review the proposed annual budget and recommend its adoption to the Board
- To review the annual and half yearly financial statements prior to the approval of the Board to assure the Board that the financial statements are a true reflection of the Authority’s financial position and performance
- To assess compliance with statutory responsibilities relating to financial reporting in accordance with Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921) and Financial Administration Regulation, 2004 (LI 1802)
- To review financial policies and procedures and make recommendations on the adequacy and efficacy of policies and procedures in line with the relevant legislation.
- Food Committee
It comprises three (3) board members and four (4) external members with expertise in food safety management
- To support the Board to strategically deliver an effective Food Safety Regulatory System.
- To provide policy direction, support, and advice on matters of Food Safety, Labelling, Advertising, Nutrition and Quality.
- To advise on the strategic focus (short, medium, and long term) aimed at modernizing the food safety regulation in Ghana.
- To consider and make recommendations on implementation of local and international food safety legislation by the Authority.
- To advise on appropriate regulatory actions on food safety incidents to minimize the risk of occurrence.
- Board Technology Committee
It comprises three (3) core board members including the Board Chairman and CEO. Other board members can join.
- Provide oversight over the IT/ICT function at the Authority.
- Ensure that the Authority gets the appropriate returns from its investment in the implementation of the IT/ICT function.