Nana Kwadwo Obiri I


Nana Kwadwo Obiri, is an indigenous Traditional Medicine Practitioner with over thirty years’ experience in Traditional Medicine Practice and the Herbal medicine manufacturing industry.

He is the founder and director of Obiri Herbal Research Centre and also the General Secretary of the Ghana Federation of Traditional Medicine Practitioners Associations (GHAFTRAM) which is the official mouthpiece of all Traditional Medicine Practitioners in Ghana.

He is the regional chairman of the Ghana National Association of Traditional Healers (GNATH) which is a mother/member Association of GHAFTRAM.

Before serving as a board member of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), he served and still serves on various Boards and Committees of the Ministry of Health which include the first governing board of the Traditional Medicine Practice Council (TMPC) and the ministerial committee for the review of the recommended herbal medicines list.

Nana Kwadwo Obiri is also a traditional ruler and he serves in the capacity as Mbratehene of Nkonya Wurupong area in the Biakoye District of Oti Region.