About FDA

Message From CEO

Welcome to the Food And Drugs Authority, Ghana (FDA)

In an era of advancement in science and technology, the associated discoveries of new component materials and the manufacture of new and improved products, the need to ensure the integrity of what we consume cannot be overemphasized. Thus, meeting the demands of the growing taste of human life and ensuring the quality of consumption is critical to our operations at the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Ghana.

The FDA was established in 1992 as the Food and Drugs Board (FDB), pursuant to the 1992 Food and Drug Law (PNDCL 305B), later amended by the Food and Drugs ACT of 1996.

With over 27 years of service in various industries in Ghana, we are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other internationally recognized regulatory bodies within the West African sub-region.

We are the regulatory body sanctioned to maintain acute standards for systems, processes and products within the socio-business and medical environment.

Our team of very dynamic and versatile professionals are currently headquartered at No. 17 Indian Ocean Street, Nelson Mandela Avenue, South Legon Commercial Area in Accra, and our highly knowledgeable staff can be found across the various regions in Ghana. Our Governing Board is made up of distinguished and experienced professionals relevant to our operations.

The correlation between the worth of a nation and the standard of the people’s daily lives has never been in doubt. With that in mind, FDA Ghana is dedicated to providing updated information relating to the regulation of food, allopathic and herbal medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals, tobacco and substances of abuse, medical devices, biological products, the sale and advertisement of the afore-mentioned and clinical trial’s protocol in Ghana. It is also our goal to provide the general public with updated vaccine safety information.

The duty to ensure the effective and efficient regulatory framework of the authority can be captured under these five cardinal points;

  • Product Evaluation
  • Licensing & Accreditation
  • Capacity Building
  • Safety Inspection and Monitoring
  • Public Education and Sensitization

With our vision to improve health and safety, the Authority is poised to ensure that Ghanaians should not be less safe than other nationals even in parts of the world considered more developed. We believe equal standards with integrity will ensure the necessary parity, no matter where one lives.

The Authority has pioneered and regulated various initiatives like the One District, One Factory (1D1F) and other small-scale industries to champion the “Ghana Beyond Aid” agenda.

I sincerely welcome your interest in exploring our locally made products, services and practices, and together, we can make Ghana healthy and even more promising than ever before.

To our stakeholders and customers, this continues to be a synergy to create a society that is relevant to globally acceptable standards.

Thank you for your support, cooperation and patronage.